simpleType AcademicSubjectMapType
type restriction of xs:token
used by
element AcademicSubjectDescriptor/AcademicSubjectMap
Kind Value annotation 
enumeration Composite 
enumeration Critical Reading 
enumeration English 
enumeration English Language Arts 
enumeration Reading 
enumeration Mathematics 
enumeration Life and Physical Sciences 
enumeration Social Sciences and History 
enumeration Social Studies 
enumeration Science 
enumeration Fine and Performing Arts 
enumeration Foreign Language and Literature 
enumeration Writing 
enumeration Physical, Health, and Safety Education 
enumeration Career and Technical Education 
enumeration Religious Education and Theology 
enumeration Military Science 
enumeration Other 
The description of the content or subject area (e.g., arts, mathematics, reading, stenography, or a foreign language) of an assessment.
source <xs:simpleType name="AcademicSubjectMapType">
<xs:documentation>The description of the content or subject area (e.g., arts, mathematics, reading, stenography, or a foreign language) of an assessment.
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
<xs:enumeration value="Composite"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Critical Reading"/>
<xs:enumeration value="English"/>
<xs:enumeration value="English Language Arts"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Reading"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Mathematics"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Life and Physical Sciences"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Social Sciences and History"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Social Studies"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Science"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Fine and Performing Arts"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Foreign Language and Literature"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Writing"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Physical, Health, and Safety Education"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Career and Technical Education"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Religious Education and Theology"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Military Science"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Other"/>