simpleType CareerPathwayType
type restriction of xs:token
used by
elements Course/CareerPathway CTEProgram/CareerPathway
Kind Value annotation 
enumeration Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources 
enumeration Architecture and Construction 
enumeration Arts, A/V Technology and Communications 
enumeration Business, Management and Administration 
enumeration Education and Training 
enumeration Finance 
enumeration Government and Public Administration 
enumeration Health Science 
enumeration Hospitality and Tourism 
enumeration Human Services 
enumeration Information Technology 
enumeration Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security 
enumeration Manufacturing 
enumeration Marketing, Sales and Service 
enumeration Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics 
enumeration Transportation, Distribution and Logistics 
The career cluster or pathway representing the career path of the Vocational/Career Tech concentrator.
source <xs:simpleType name="CareerPathwayType">
<xs:documentation>The career cluster or pathway representing the career path of the Vocational/Career Tech concentrator.</xs:documentation>
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
<xs:enumeration value="Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Architecture and Construction"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Arts, A/V Technology and Communications"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Business, Management and Administration"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Education and Training"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Finance"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Government and Public Administration"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Health Science"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Hospitality and Tourism"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Human Services"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Information Technology"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Law, Public Safety, Corrections and Security"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Manufacturing"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Marketing, Sales and Service"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics"/>
<xs:enumeration value="Transportation, Distribution and Logistics"/>