
Campus Dashboard Metrics

To enable educators to promptly identify and respond appropriately to the number and severity of student misbehavior incidences, many school districts across the country, including Charlotte, Chicago and Dallas, have incorporated measures of student discipline into their internal performance management dashboards. In focus groups conducted with over 2,600 educators throughout Texas, a campus-level Discipline Referrals metric, presented in screen shots of the campus dashboard, was considered useful by 96% of those surveyed. In order to differentiate discipline referrals by degree of severity in terms of both nature and frequency, two metrics, one monitoring all discipline incidents and one monitoring only school code of conduct incidents, were included in the campus dashboard.

Primary Metric

  • School Code of Conduct Incidents: percentage of students with one or more school code of conduct incidents within a given grading period, reported for the current grading period, previous grading period and year to date.

User Interface

Dashboard Example

Figure 1 shows the School Code of Conduct Incidents metric as seen on the campus dashboard.

Figure 1 TSDS Campus School Code of Conduct Incidents Metric

Status Definition

This metric indicates the percentage of students with one or more discipline incidents representing minor infractions of the School Code of Conduct over the current grading period to date, the previous grading period, and the school year to date.

The Status indicator is determined by campus-specific thresholds (campus goals) which are set at the district level. The TSDS default thresholds for each grading period and year to date are 5%.

Table 2 Metric Indicator for TSDS Campus School Code of Conduct Incidents

Metric Indicators


Metric Name

Sub-metric Name

Metric Status  Indicator


Campus Goal  (Delta)

All Discipline Incidents

Current Grading Period

Red (Percentage) = if percentage of students with discipline incidents is greater than or equal campus goal

Green (Percentage) = if percentage of students with discipline incidents less than campus goal

Current and prior grading period

Begins after the end of the second grading period.

Campus goal and the calculated school code of conduct incidents

Previous Grading Period

Red (Percentage) = if percentage of students with discipline incidents is greater than or equal to campus goal

Green (Percentage) =if percentage of students with discipline incidents less than campus goal

Previous grading periods

Begins after the end of the third grading period.

Campus goal and the calculated school code of conduct incidents

Year to Date

Red (Percentage) = if percentage of students with discipline incidents greater than or equal to campus goal

Green (Percentage) =if percentage of students  with discipline incidents less than campus goal

Current year to prior year

Campus goal and the calculated school code of conduct incidents

(a) The Value column displays the number of students with one or more school code of conduct incidents out of the total number of students.

Trend Definition

Table 3 Trend Indicators for TSDS School Code of Conduct Incidents

Trend Indicators: Objective is to indicate School Code of Conduct Incidents

Up green

If the value for the current time frame is more than 5 percentage points higher than the prior time frame, then display a gray arrow trending upward.


If the value for the current time frame is less than or equal to 5 percentage points higher or less than or equal to 5 percentage points lower than the prior time frame, then display two gray arrows pointing outward indicating no direction.

Down red

If the value for the current time frame is more than 5 percentage points lower than the prior time frame, then display a gray arrow trending downward.

The trend does not show for the first occurrence of a time frame since data is not available.

Delta Definition

Table 4 Delta Indicator for TSDS Campus School Code of Conduct Incidents

Delta Indicators: Objective is to indicate School Code of Conduct Incidents Rate

Metric Name

Sub-Metric Name

Campus Goal


School Code of Conduct Incidents

Current Grading Period

Set campus goal

Red (Percentage) = if the calculated delta is less than the campus goal

Black( Percentage) = if the calculated delta is equal to or greater than the campus goal

Previous Grading Period

Set campus goal

Red (Percentage) = if the calculated delta is less than the campus goal

Black( Percentage) = if the calculated delta is equal to or greater than the campus goal

Year to Date

Set campus goal

Red (Percentage) = if the calculated delta is less than the campus goal

Black (Percentage) = if the calculated delta is equal to or greater than the campus goal


Best practice is to upload the data frequently, at least weekly, though there is still some benefit from loading monthly.

Table 5  Recommended Load Characteristics for TSDS School Code of Conduct Incidents

Recommended Load Characteristics


Weekly, Monthly

Frequency of data load



2-4 weeks

Interchange schema



The standard tool tips for the metric definition, column headers, and help functions display for this metric.

  • Green metric status: OK
  • Red metric status: HIGH
  • 'More' indicates drill down views for this metric
  • is ‘No change from the prior period'
  • is ‘Getting worse from the prior period’
  • is 'Getting better from the prior period'

Business Rules

The discipline metrics indicate the level and type of discipline incidents taking place at a campus over various time periods. Districts and states vary in the how discipline incidents and actions are categorized. The following rules apply to the state of Texas and the TSDS dashboard tools.

The School Code of Conduct Incidents metric displays the percentage of students with one or more discipline incidents in the time period representing minor infractions (in the case of Texas, this is defined as School Code of Conduct incidents) where the student is identified as a “Perpetrator”  (i.e., a student who committed the discipline incident).

Discipline incidents are counted, regardless of whether a discipline action has resulted.

This metric displays the school code of conduct incident rate for the following grading periods:

  • Current Grading Period to date
  • Previous Grading Period
  • Year to Date

The length of the grading period is configurable and is defined by the district—typically either 6 or 9 weeks.

Data Assumptions

  • The campus must record discipline incidents and actions and categorize them by type. 
  • While state or district regulations may require certain actions for certain types of incidents, TSDS does not validate these rules, but rather displays what is recorded.
  • Transfer (late enrollment) students may not have a complete history of discipline referrals for the current school year.

Computed Values

The cohort is the set of all current students over all grades at the campus, at the time of the last upload.

If current period is the first grading period of school year, the previous grading period is grayed-out.

Table 6 Computed Values for Campus School Code of Conduct Incidents Metric

Metric Name


School Code of Conduct Incidents

Number of current students with one or more minor infractions coded as "school code of conduct" * 100 / All current students in the cohort

Calculation Notes

  • Students who are not enrolled at the time of the last upload are excluded from the calculation.

Data Anomalies

Data Anomalies

  • Loading of incident data from each grading period.

  • Late enrollees may not have previous discipline incidents from another school.

  • Some discipline incidents may spawn two actions, or violate both the school code of conduct and state reportable offenses. These may cause two separate line items in the incident log drill down, or an item for each action taken. This may cause a disparity between the container level metric value (sum of incidents) and the count of line items in the incident log. 

  • Many JJAEP or discipline alternative campuses stop tracking discipline incidents upon a student's arrival, or use a separate system. 

  • Currently only display current year discipline incidents in the incident log, although prior year metric values may be available. 

  • Discipline incidents that are recorded on a non-instructional day will not appear in the historical snapshot, because these days are excluded from the district calendar. These will still appear in the incident log. 

Best practice is to use footnotes to address these anomalies.


Footnotes are used to provide addition data information concerning the metric. Footnotes are sequential for the entire page. Therefore, a metric's footnote may not begin with the number 1.

The following footnotes appear below the metric:

  • Best practice is for developers to footnote students transferring in.

Date of Refresh

Best practice is for the date of last data refresh to appear next the metric in the following format:

  • (Through April, 22 2010)

Implementation Considerations

Late Enrollments

For late enrollment students, the full history of discipline referrals may not be available, resulting in an understatement of the metric.

Classification of Incidents

The classification of incidents, particularly the most serious incidents, may be driven by state reporting requirements. Ideally a district would want to incorporate both state and local classification of incidents—the CDM is extensible to enable a district to map additional classification types. Additionally, the metric definition can be modified to account for the specific number of incident types that are included in the calculation.


Best practice is to set the campus thresholds (goals) for each campus at the district level. A secure mechanism is required to allow the district to set and maintain those thresholds.

Frequency of Uploading Data

The metric computation implementation may vary depending on the periodicity of loading the data. For example, a daily load requires that you load data for only a single day (i.e., the last instruction day). Less frequent uploads require that you load data for each day since the date of the last load.

Drill Downs

Drill Down Views

The dashboards include the option to see more detail that is associated with a metric. Table 7 lists the drill down views that are recommended for this metric.

Table 7 School Code of Conduct Incidents Metric Drill Down Views

Grade Level

Graph of percent of students meeting the student threshold for the metric by grade level


Graph of metric values across days, weeks, grading periods, semesters, and years.

Student List

List of students who do not meet the threshold for this metric for the specified period.

User Interface

Dashaboard Example

Figure 2 shows the grade level chart for the School Code of Conduct Incidents metric as seen in the campus dashboards.

Figure 2 TSDS School Code of Conduct Incidents Grade Level Chart

FIgure 3 shows the historical chart for the School Code of Conduct Incidents metric as seen in the campus dashboards.


Figure 2 TSDS School Code of Conduct Incidents Historical Chart

Business Rules

The Historical Graph allows the user to see historical data across multiple timeframes.  As time passes, there are many bars to be displayed; therefore, the slider on the bottom allows the user to adjust the number of bars displayed as well as the time period shown.  The timeframes for this metric were chosen based on educator feedback. 

Drill down Tooltips

Grade Level Chart:

  • The number of students who met the student goal out of the total number of students enrolled on the campus will display as you hover over the bars of the graph.
  • Green bar indicates the campus goal was met
  • Red bar indicates the campus goal was not met

Historical Chart:

  • The start and end dates and the percent value of the metric for that time period are shown as you hover over a bar of the graph.
  • The slider bar adjusts the number of time periods viewed in the graph.
  • Green bar indicates the student did meet the student goal
  • Red bar indicates the student did not meet the student goal

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