Chapter Introduction

In order to truly understand a student’s or a school’s needs, educators need to have timely, actionable, relevant measures of student performance (“metrics”), at their fingertips. Metrics allow educators to monitor student performance, see warning signs as well as growth opportunities early, and intervene appropriately to ensure each and every student avoids failure and reaches his or her full potential.

The Michael & Susan Dell Foundation (MSDF) and TEA developed the studentGPS(R) Dashboards to fill this need. The dashboards compile a broad set of key metrics into clear, organized, easy-to-use pages.  The metrics are measures--like test scores, attendance data, and disciplinary incidents--that create an overall picture of a student's educational performance.   

The metrics included in these dashboards are those that elementary and secondary teachers have indicated are most useful to knowing what a student’s strengths and areas for improvement are, based on where they are in their education, and those that campus leaders and district leaders have indicated are critical to performing their responsibilities. In addition, these metrics have been validated by reviews of best practices by other states and districts, as well as research studies that have identified the metrics or leading indicators that will help educators predict a student’s future likelihood of success based on their current performance. The studentGPS(R) metrics begin at the student level and are aggregated at campus and district levels to ensure teachers, principals, and superintendents have the information they need at all levels of the PK-12 educational system.  The studentGPS(R) Dashboards are FERPA compliant.  Only educators with responsibility for a specific student are allowed to see the student's data.

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Student Overview


The Student Overview page gives a high-level view of the metrics that are calculated and displayed on the student dashboard.  Each metric category is listed with a brief description.  There are many hyperlinks on the page so the user can easily see more information.  The 'tic tacs' provide a clear and colorful visual of performance for the student.  Hover-over features allow users to see current metric values and information.  The overview page is the first page seen after logging on to the dashboards.  This allows educators to immediately see how the student is performing in different categories and click straight through to an academic performance area to see more detailed information for that metric.  All of the basic metric information is on the Overview page so the user can have an informed first view of the student.

Metric Specifications

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Campus Overview


The Campus Overview page gives a high-level view of the metrics that are calculated and displayed throughout the campus's Academic Dashboard.  The Overview page reflects all of the basic metric information calculated for the campus so the user can have an informed first view of the campus's performance. The Overview page is the first page seen after a campus administrator logs on to the dashboards.   

The page is divided into metric categories mirroring the sub-tabs in the Academic Dashboard.  Each metric category includes a brief description of the types of information available on each tab.  Hyperlinks allow the user to jump to the specific metric category/sub-tab in the Academic Dashboard.

The Performance Summary shows the administrator how many of the related metrics are meeting the campus goal.  The Metric Status column includes 'tic-tacs' designed to provide a clear and colorful visualization of performance on each metric.  Hover-over features allow educators to see current metric values and information.  Upon clicking a 'tic tac', the user will be taken directly to the specific metric on the Academic Dashboard.  

Metric Specifications

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District Overview

The District Overview page gives a high-level view of the metrics that are calculated and displayed throughout the district's Academic Dashboard.  The Overview page reflects all of the basic metric information calculated for the district so the user can have an informed first view of the district's performance. The Overview page is the first page seen after a district administrator logs on to the dashboards.

The page is divided into metric categories mirroring the sub-tabs in the Academic Dashboard.  Each metric category includes a brief description of the types of information available on each tab.  Hyperlinks allow the user to jump to the specific metric category/sub-tab in the Academic Dashboard.

The Performance Summary shows the administrator how many of the related metrics are meeting the district goal.  The Metric Status column includes 'tic-tacs' designed to provide a clear and colorful visualization of performance on each metric.  Hover-over features allow educators to see current metric values and information.  Upon clicking a 'tic tac', the user will be taken directly to the specific metric on the Academic Dashboard. 

Metric Specifications

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Student Information

Knowing the general demographics of a student will ensure proper context for performance indicators and that interventions are tailored for each student.  In focus groups with over 2,600 educators across the state of Texas, educators overwhelmingly identified the need for a basic profile of a student before action was taken on any given performance indicator.  Having this data at the start of the school year and obtaining updates throughout the year ensures educators – particularly teachers and counselors - genuinely know their students and can prepare the appropriate instructional approaches as well as any other needed supports to ensure success.  The following items were identified by educators as being valuable student information:

  • Demographics
  • Enrollment data
  • Program participation including English as Second Language (ESL), Bilingual, Career and Technical Education (CTE), and Special Education
  • Special accommodations and 504 Plan details
  • Student and parent contact details

Student Identity

The Texas Education Agency (TEA) uses the TSDS Unique ID system to provide a unique student identifier to every student across the state.

Local education agencies (LEAs), including Texas school districts and open-enrollment charter schools, use Unique ID numbers to load their student information to the TSDS Education Data Warehouse (EDW). Each student will have a single unique identifier for his or her entire career within the Texas educational system (from early education programs through the twelfth grade).  Individuals will retain the same unique identifier even if they leave the Texas education system and return years later or transition from being a student to a staff member.

All LEAs must use have UIDs for their students to submit data to TSDS.

Business Rules

Table 3: Data Elements and Business Rules for TSDS Student Information Page
Data Element DescriptionInterchange Notes
Student First NameFIRST-NAME identifies a person's legal first name.InterchangeStudentParentExtension 
Last NameLAST-NAME identifies a person's legal last name.InterchangeStudentParentExtension 
AddressAddress identifies the mailing address of the student.InterchangeStudentParentExtension 
CityCity identifies the name of the city in which the student resides.InterchangeStudentParentExtension 
StateState identifies the name of state in which the student resides.InterchangeStudentParentExtension 
ZipZip Code identifies the zip code of the student's address.InterchangeStudentParentExtension 
Primary Contact NamePrimary Contact Name identifies the parent or guardian with which the student lives.InterchangeStudentParentExtension 
Relationship to StudentRelationship to the Student identifies the parent or guardian.InterchangeStudentParentExtension 
Primary Contact AddressIdentifies the parent or guardian's address.InterchangeStudentParentExtension 
Cell PhoneCell phone identifies the parent or guardian's cell phone as a contact method.InterchangeStudentParentExtension 
Work PhoneWork phone identifies the parent or guardian's work phone number as a contact method.InterchangeStudentParentExtension 
EmailEmail identifies the preferred email address for the parent or guardian.InterchangeStudentParentInterchangeStudentParentExtension
Other ContactsOther Contacts identifies any other parents or guardians associated with the student.InterchangeStudentParentExtension 
Date of BirthDATE-OF-BIRTH indicates the month, day, and year of the person's birth.InterchangeStudentParentExtension 
Place of BirthPlace of Birth identifies the city, state in which the student was born.InterchangeStudentParentExtension 
Current Age (Calculated)Current age identifies the calculated age at the current date.Computed ValueCurrent Age is the Current Year minus the Date of Birth Year
GenderSEX-CODE identifies the gender of the person.InterchangeStudentParentExtension 
Ethnicity/RaceEthnicity/Race identifies the answers  two different parts to the question, requiring two distinct responses. The first part asks about the broad category of ethnicity, and the second part asks about the more narrow divisions of race. The first part asks the respondent to identify his or her ethnicity as a Hispanic or Latino. The second part asks the respondent to identify his or her race or races.InterchangeStudentParentExtension 
Home LanguageHOME-LANGUAGE-CODE indicates the language spoken in the student's home, as determined by the student's home language survey.InterchangeStudentParentExtension 
Student LanguageStudent Language identifies the language the student speaks fluentlyInterchangeStudentParentExtension 
School InformationCAMPUS-ID--OF-ENROLLMENT indicates the unique campus identification number of the campus in which the student is enrolled.InterchangeStudentEnrollmentExtension 
Grade LevelGRADE-LEVEL-CODE indicates the current grade level of the student.InterchangeStudentEnrollmentExtension 
Cohort YearCohort Year identifies the group of students the particular student entered the school with and will continue to progress with until graduation.Computed Value 
HomeroomHomeroom identifies the name of the homeroom teacher for the studentInterchangeStudentEnrollmentExtension 
Date of entrySTUDENT-BEGIN-DATE identifies the first date a student was assigned to the class in the current school year.InterchangeStudentEnrollmentExtension 
Date of WithdrawalLAST-DATE-OF-ENROLLMENT indicates a student's final date of enrollment in a school year.InterchangeStudentEnrollmentExtension

Late Enrollment

The late enrollment column will identify if a student has a date of entry that is two weeks from the start date of the first grading period


Program InformationProgram information identifies the associated programs the student is enrolled or participates.InterchangeStudentProgramExtensionDerived from the programs
Other student informationOther Student Information identifies indicators associated with the student, such as At Risk, Economically Disadvantaged, Homeless, Immigrant, Limited English Proficiency, Migrant, Over Age or Repeater.InterchangeStudentProgramExtension 
Special ServicesSpecial Services identifies the Special Education Services associated with the student, such as Special Education Services, Primary Instructional Setting and Other Services.InterchangeStudentProgramExtension 

Metric Specifications

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Campus Information

At campus level, educators want to understand the basic profile of the school and changes to this profile over time.  Understanding the campus population as a whole and differences between campuses aids campus and district administration in tailoring instructional approaches and other supports to the needs of each campus.  In forums with over 2,600 educators across Texas, the following items were identified as being valuable on a campus information page:

  • Demographics
  • Program enrollment
  • Student enrollment profile
  • Students receiving special accommodations and services

Business Rules

Data Element DescriptionInterchangeCalculation Notes
Campus NameCAMPUS-NAME identifies the name of the campus registered with the Texas Education Agency.InterchangeEducationOrganization 
Cam  pus Street AddressCampus Street Address identifies the street address registered with the Texas Education Agency.InterchangeEducationOrganization 
Campus CityCampus City identifies the city in which the campus exists. This address is registered with the Texas Education.InterchangeEducationOrganization 
Campus StateThe Campus State identifies the state in which the campus exists.  This element is registered with the Texas Education Agency.InterchangeEducationOrganization 
Campus Zip CodeThe Campus Zip Code identifies the zip code for the campus. This element is registered with the Texas Education Agency.InterchangeEducationOrganization 
Campus Administration (Principals)The Campus administrators, principals and assistant principals, are registered and maintained with the Texas Education Agency.InterchangeStaffAssociationExtension 
Student DemographicsThe Student Demographics identifies the student population gender, ethnicity and race.InterchangeStudentEnrollmentExtension 
Student Population GenderThe Student Population Gender calculated percentage represents the student genders (male/female) submitted through PEIMS.InterchangeStudentEnrollmentExtensionTotal number of students with gender divided by the total student population
Student Population Race/EthnicityThe Student Population Race/Ethnicity calculated percentage represents separate race and ethnicities submitted through PEIMS.InterchangeStudentEnrollmentExtension Total number of students per race/ethnicity divided by the total student population
School Population by GradeThe calculated Student Population by Grade represents the student population total by grade level.InterchangeStudentEnrollmentExtensionTotal number of students by grade
High School Graduation Plan by TypeEach student works toward a particular graduation plan (minimum, recommended, distinguished). The Graduation Plan percentages represent the student population on each of these prescribed plans.InterchangeStudentEnrollmentExtensionTotal number of students for identified plan divided by the total student population
Program StatusThe program status is a calculated percentage that identifies the students in each program.InterchangeStudentProgramExtensionTotal number of students identified in the program divided by the total student population
Special ServicesThe Special Services calculated percentage identifies the population receiving the services.InterchangeStudentProgramExtensionTotal number of student using the service divided by the total student population
Late EnrollmentThe Late Enrollment percentage represents the population of students identified as 'late'.InterchangeStudentEnrollmentExtension 

Metric Specifications

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District Information

At district level, educators want to understand the basic profile of the school and changes to this profile over time.  Understanding the district population as a whole as well as campus differences aids campus and district administration in tailoring instructional approaches and other supports to the needs of each campus.  In forums with over 2,600 educators across Texas, the following items were identified as being valuable on a district information page:

  • Demographics
  • Program enrollment
  • Student enrollment profile
  • Students receiving special accommodations and services
  • Student language information

Business Rules

Data Element DescriptionInterchangeCalculation Notes
District NameDISTRICT-NAME identifies the name of the campus registered with the Texas Education Agency.InterchangeEducationOrganizationExtension 
District Street AddressDistrict Street Address identifies the street address registered with the Texas Education Agency.InterchangeEducationOrganizationExtension
District CityDistrict City identifies the city in which the campus exists. This address is registered with the Texas Education.InterchangeEducationOrganizationExtension 
District StateThe District State identifies the state in which the campus exists.  This element is registered with the Texas Education Agency.InterchangeEducationOrganizationExtension 
District Zip CodeThe District Zip Code identifies the zip code for the campus. This element is registered with the Texas Education Agency.InterchangeEducationOrganizationExtension 
District Administration (Principals)The District administrators , principals and assistant principals, are registered and maintained with the Texas Education Agency.InterchangeStaffAssociationExtension 
Student DemographicsThe Student Demographics identifies the student population gender, ethnicity and race.InterchangeStudentEnrollmentExtension 
Student Population GenderThe Student Population Gender calculated percentage represents the student genders (male/female) submitted through PEIMS.InterchangeStudentEnrollmentExtensionTotal number of students with gender divided by the total student population
Student Population Race/EthnicityThe Student Population Race/Ethnicity calculated percentage represents separate race and ethnicities submitted through PEIMS.InterchangeStudentEnrollmentExtension Total number of students per race/ethnicity divided by the total student population
School Population by GradeThe calculated Student Population by Grade represents the student population total by grade level.InterchangeStudentEnrollmentExtensionTotal number of students by grade
High School Graduation Plan by TypeEach student works toward a particular graduation plan (minimum, recommended, distinguished). The Graduation Plan percentages represent the student population on each of these prescribed plans.InterchangeStudentProgramExtensionTotal number of students for identified plan divided by the total student population
Program StatusThe program status is a calculated percentage that identifies the students in each program.InterchangeStudentProgramExtensionTotal number of students identified in the program divided by the total student population
Special ServicesThe Special Services calculated percentage identifies the population receiving the services.InterchangeStudentProgramExtensionTotal number of student using the service divided by the total student population
Late EnrollmentThe Late Enrollment percentage represents the population of students identified as 'late'.InterchangeStudentEnrollmentExtension 

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